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Материалы пользователя shailed

Всего 1 материалов оставлено пользователем shailed (Поиск ограничен от 06-June 14)

#1024024 Коллекция Наума

Опубликовано от shailed в 18 February 2022 - 07:36 PM в Коллекции трубок

Hello Naum,

I appreciate your reviews of the pipes by Canadian pipe maker, John Hamilton McGrath pipes. However, I would like to clear up a few discrepancies about your comments on his personal life. While he may have had dealings with Freddie Vegas (who has come across more vindictive, than in the interest of "justice"), we should note that there are 3 sides to every story. That being the view of each person, and then the unbiased/objective truth. John is no longer living, to defend himself, so I will not go into more detail about the dispute between him and Freddie Vegas. What I would like to correct is that John did not "get drunk". I can tell you this from first hand knowledge, as his daughter. In fact, my father did not drink for my entire youth, teen years, and even early adulthood, as he felt he needed to be responsible, aware, and reliable to be a single parent of twins; and he did not want to waste his money on the frivolous lifestyle of drinking  While he did have difficulty maintaining financial stability as a pipe maker, this was due in part to the uncertain nature of the industry, combined with his responsibilities and obligations as a parent. It is very expensive to raise a family in Vancouver, Canada. My father left the pipe making world, and nobly went to work in a hardware store, so that he could continue to support his family.  

But back to the pipes, and the actual craftsmanship .... I am wondering if you still own any JHM pipes? I would like to discuss if possible. I will send a message.

Thank you for your time and review of his work. I am glad to you have been able to enjoy the work of my late father.
